20 Dec 2012

Learning a lot from the UN Special Rapporteur on Disability

(<-- From the right, the UN Special Rapporteur on Disability, Shuaib Chalklen, and myself)

Since January 2012, I have been working as the assistant to the Rapporteur. This year has been very, very interesting. I have learned tremendously about the global disability movement and have been overwhelmed. Part of the experiences was written in my latest book (http://disability-uganda.blogspot.fi/). But I thought of writing more of these experiences to wider audience so that many more people would be also empowered by the powerful global disability movement. (Obviously, there are many challenges in this movement, too, as any other movement.) I hope to be able to upload a lot of information on the Rapporteur's activities and travels also. I modestly hope that this blog would be able to contribute to the global disability movement in some way.